Smith Branch Longleaf Preserve

Yellow-Fringed Orchid
Yellow-Fringed Orchid

The LandTrust for Central North Carolina, with support from the Open Space Institute and the Clean Water Management Trust Fund, is pleased to announce the formal protection of the Smith Branch Longleaf Preserve through a conservation easement. This is a 104-acre, climate-resilient property located in Montgomery County on Smith Branch that has been managed for more than 20 years for longleaf pine ecosystem restoration and enhancement. A plethora of unique flora and fauna are found on the site, including a rare plant, Iris prismatica (blue flag iris), timber rattlesnake, yellow-fringed orchid, and fox squirrels.

The property used to be a subsistence farm, and had a few scattered older growth longleaf pines located on it. The current owner purchased the property and planted some of it in loblolly pine initially, but they did not survive the large snowstorm of 2000. Thatโ€™s when he noticed the longleaf and began researching about them. He replanted the areas of loblolly with longleaf, and began a rigorous prescribed burning regime. Each block of land in the property gets burned every 2 years now.

longleafโ€œThe LandTrust is very excited to work with this landowner in order to preserve this unique site,โ€ states Executive Director Travis Morehead. โ€œThere are less than a dozen native Piedmont Longleaf Pine forests left in North Carolina, many of them on national forest land, and the opportunity to conserve a privately held longleaf forest is a special occurrence.โ€ The LandTrust worked to protect another privately held longleaf forest, the Arnett Branch Longleaf Pine Forest, in partnership with the NC Zoo a few years ago.

The NC Natural Heritage Program now classifies the Smith Branch Longleaf Preserve as a natural heritage natural area. The natural communities of Piedmont Longleaf Pine Forest and Piedmont Boggy Streamhead are found on the property. Piedmont longleaf pine differ from the Sandhills and Coastal Plain longleaf in that they have a understory hosting a suite of native Piedmont grasses and forbs, including big blue stem, little blue stem, broom straw, and Indian grass, for example.

โ€œMany of the plants found on the property are more classically thought of as coastal plain plants,โ€ states Land Protection Director, Crystal Cockman. โ€œThis just goes to show that Montgomery County is a crossroads, where the Uwharrie Mountains meet the Sandhills, and thanks to the landownerโ€™s dedication to prescribed burning, new unique plants show up almost every season.โ€ Other special plants found here include Amorpha schwerini (Piedmont indigo bush), Turkโ€™s cap lily, green-fringed orchid, and a coastal plain species of azalea.

Blue Flag Iris
Blue Flag Iris

The property was conserved thanks in large part to the Open Space Instituteโ€™s Southeast Resilient Landscapes Fund. As weather patterns change, strategic conservation of places like the Smith Branch Longleaf Preserveโ€”which contain interconnected landscapes covering a diversity of geology, landforms and biologically intact habitatsโ€”is a primary strategy for helping plants and animals adapt.

โ€œMany people donโ€™t realize that the Piedmont region, in addition to holding habitat for sensitive plants and animals, is a linchpin landscape that will help protect North Carolina as the climate changes,โ€ said Peter Howell, Executive Vice President of the Open Space Institute. โ€œWe congratulate the LandTrust for Central North Carolina for their perseverance in protecting this hallowed land.โ€

boon closing
Mary Chesson, Crystal Cockman, and Boon Chesson

Additional funding from the Clean Water Management Trust Fund made conservation of this property possible. Thanks to the landowner for preserving this special place, and to supporters of The LandTrust for Central North Carolina for making this work possible. More information about this propertyโ€™s protection and other LandTrust conservation projects is available on our website at

*For more information about The Land Trust for Central NC, please contact The Land Trust at 704-647-0302 or, or visit their website atโ€™
