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McCullough Farm

The LandTrust is very pleased to announce the donation of a conservation easement by Mrs. Etna Little Palmer McCullough on her 67 acres of farmland in northern Stanly County. Located near Millingport, Mrs. McCullough’s easement will provide that this beautiful piece of farmland will continue to support the local agricultural community.

In many ways, Mrs. McCullough’s story displays the threat facing many landowners in the central Piedmont. At one time, her family owned hundreds of acres in the vicinity of the current property. Through several generations the family’s great swath of land had been subdivided into multiple smaller tracts, many of which were no longer owned by family members. In fact, the very parcel being protected was at one time on the auction block. Fortunately, Mrs. McCullough was able to secure the land for the single purpose of preserving some of her family’s original acreage. Today, Mrs. McCullough can rest easily knowing that her goal will be forever accomplished.

The LandTrust hopes that this project will help encourage further agricultural conservation projects in northern Stanly County. Even with future growth coming from Albemarle, Salisbury and Cabarrus County, this community continues to retain a rural agricultural quality that is so often being lost.


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