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Fort York Historic Site

The LandTrust is very pleased to announce that the historic Fort York property is now permanently protected and in our ownership! The LandTrust has secured the funding needed to purchase the approximately 12.5 acres of property along the banks of the Yadkin River and Interstate 85 in Davidson County that houses approximately half of the historic Civil War fort used to protect the Yadkin River Rail Bridge. This funding includes a short-term loan while we work out the details with the NC Clean Water Management Trust Fund to obtain the grant funds dedicated to the project.

Fort York was the site of one of the last Confederate victories of the Civil War. Although the war had technically ended three days prior, the Confederate troops guarding the rail bridge over the Yadkin River had not received word of the surrender. General Stoneman of the Union, came to Salisbury to free captured Union soldiers held in the Confederate prison. Confederate soldiers, under the leadership of Zebulan York, fought valiantly on the afternoon of April 12, 1865 to prevent the destruction of this bridge. The earthworks found here are in remarkable shape after being left in a natural state by previous owners who valued history.



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