Title: Earth Day Jam
Location: Dark Before Dawn Farm – 2100 7th St. Extension, Salisbury, 28144
Link out: Click here
Description: Earth Day Jam is a music and arts festival, and fundraiser to benefit The Land Trust of Central NC. EDJ is a music loverโs paradise. Last year we hosted 16 bands that played on 2 stages, for a day of continuous music that covered a span of genres. EDJ is also an educational event that offers the public an opportunity to meet experts in the areas of sustainable farming, local foods, wildlife, recycling, solar energy, bee keeping, medicinal herbs, nutrition, natural healing, and more.ย With over 40 vendor and educational booths, EDJ showcases the wares of many local artists and craftspeople.ย EDJ is very family friendly, with a variety of kidsโ activities and field games that encourage active play in the outdoors. This year we will add weekend passes that will include music on Friday night and a Sunday Morning Acoustic Coffeehouse. Weekend passes include free camping on the property.
Start Date: 2015-04-17
Start Time: 17:00
End Date: 2015-04-19
End Time: 12:00