Pisgah Covered Bridge (Parker Tract)

2.7 acres Fee Title Ownership

The Parker Tract was protected via fee-simple donation in 1998. The 2.7-acre tract enabled theย partnership working to save the bridge to protect both sides of the West Prong of the Little River.ย The property also enabled the partnership to complete a natural walking trail that allows visitors toย stretch their legs. Aside from its riparian buffer and wildlife qualities, the Parker Tract wasย instrumental in providing permanent protection to the Historic Pisgah Covered Bridge.

“Randolph County’s Pisgah Covered Bridge is one of only two that still survive in the state ofย North Carolina; and the only one easily accessible by the public. It is a 54-wooden structure thatย was built over a branch of the Little River, 10 miles southwest of Asheboro, in 1911. Originalย documentations shows that the bridge was constructed by J.J. Welch for a total cost of $40. Theย bridge is considered both a state and county historical and cultural icon.” –Randolph Countyย Tourism Development Authority
