Adams 2007

Following up on his second donation last year, Dr. Richard Adams has now completed his third conservation easement donation to The LandTrust! This most recent easement protects 300 acres, with portions of the property located in both Iredell and Rowan Counties.

Located off Cool Springs Road, a portion of this yearโ€™s donation possesses stream footage on the South Yadkin River, which has been identified as important for drinking water supplies, migratory wildlife, public recreation, and also for Native American history.

This most recent donation brings the total acreage Dr. Adams has protected to an amazing 831 acres, including a state significant natural heritage site, a Piedmont/Coastal Plain Heath Bluff identified as the South Yadkin River Heath Bluff in the Rowan County Natural Heritage Inventory. Dr. Adams hopes to donate conservation easements on even more of his wonderful properties in the future. These will compliment these previous donations and conserve a wonderful large-scale habitat for wildlife for generations to come.
