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Adams 2006

Dr. Richard Adams has now completed his second conservation easement donation to The LandTrust. Dr. Adams recent conservation easement donation totaling 346 acres compliments the donation he made last year and brings the total size of protected property to 531 acres. However, Dr. Adams does not plan to stop his efforts there.

In all, Dr. Adams owns over 2,400 acres in northwestern Rowan County, with a portion spilling over into Iredell County. This impressive property contains nearly eleven miles of stream frontage, six of which are on the South Yadkin River. He plans to work with The LandTrust to protect the remaining acreage in the near future. Once completed, this will be the largest conservation easement held by The LandTrust. Each property that Dr. Adams has so graciously protected is distinctive, but the network of protected lands he is developing promises to provide an important large-scale habitat truly unique to the region.


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