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Cooper Forestland

159 acres Conservation Easement

This past year saw not only the 2nd but also the 3rd ever Richmond County project in the history of The LandTrust, as the 159-acre Cooper Property was also protected. Elijah Cooper and his wife, Sherry, permanently conserved by donated easement a stretch of working forestland along scenic Bethany Road.

Mr. Cooper is a full-time farmer in Richmond County, and sees the protection of this property as just the first step, hoping to protect more farm and forestland in the area in the future. His interest in conserving his property is a result of seeing his friend, Bill Webb, protect his property in 2008. This area is the most southeastern part of our ten-county region, and differs greatly from the rest as the land of longleaf, wiregrass, and fox squirrels. We hope that these projects are just the beginning of more work in this unique area.


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