SAP Property Management update as of 8/2/2021

Point Property (Rowan/Davie counties)

Agriculture fields are planted in soybeans, to be harvested in November (weather depending). Traditional dove field area on side nearest access road (block 3/6) is planted in a mix of browntop millet and grain sorghum. Dwarf Milo is also planted in 1/2 of the largest ag field on block three.

Traditional dove field area (between the big oaks block 6) is planted in perdovik sunflowers. The western side of the field is planted in browntop millet with sunflowers planted 10 feet wide around the perimeter.

The dove field areas will be prepared prior to dove hunt via mowing, silage chopping, disking, and burning. Some areas of milo may not be fully mature due to the poor spring planting season. Areas of milo will be mowed in appropriately sized strips to accommodate hunters while allowing plenty of opportunity to hide. The remaining standing milo will be manipulated throughout the winter months so as to provide additional wildlife forage opportunity and extended dove hunting opportunities for eligible SAP members during the later seasons.

Prescribed burns were conducted on blocks 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 in late winter/early spring. All firebreaks will have been maintained before archery opener. Some firebreaks will be planted in cool season wildlife mixes, others will be mowed and maintained as perennial habitat.

Block 4 of the Point property will be divided into two separate blocks for the winter draw period. This will separate the wetland slough area and the 53-acre river bottom field from the rest of block 4. The wetland block will include the slough/swamp as well as the newly restored 3.5 acre wetland inside the river bottom ag field. The newly restored wetland is controlled with a flashboard riser water control structure and will be managed to minimize erosion of topsoil while acting as a filter to the Yadkin River. The water control structure replaced the previous crushed culvert pipe. This wetland area is currently planted in soybeans that will be flooded upon maturity. This wetland will be managed alternatively as moist soil in wet years, to best management of water resources, with some crop flooding occurring during dry years. The wetland is currently reliant on runoff/rainfall, but has the ability to be manually flooded if the need is present. This newly restored wetland not only enhances the water resource from a filtration and erosion perspective and enhances diverse wildlife habitat and management ability, but also creates new and unique opportunity for SAP members. This wetland will allow SAP members the potential ability to hunt a diversity of waterfowl species from layout style blinds (to be provided) if they wish. Waterfowl hunting will be limited in the new wetland block to 2 days per week (Wednesday & Saturday) in order to allow adequate resting periods for waterfowl. Other open hunting seasons may be utilized on the remaining days of the week such as deer, feral hog, squirrel etc, for successful drawees of the wetland block. The resting periods are to minimize pressure to migrating waterfowl and provide refuge from the surrounding public lands, while enhancing the quality of the SAP hunts.


Low Water Bridge (Montgomery co)

Block 1 of low water bridge received prescribed burn across the entirety in early spring.

Block 1 and 2 each received supplementation of approximately 1,500 native mast-producing hardwood seedlings within the areas previously cleared of loblolly pine.

Block 1 additionally has a 2-acre area located within the cleared pine section that has been planted in a wildlife forage mix including pollinator friendly species and premier forage. Planted species include: buckwheat, browntop millet, soybeans, sunflowers.  Block 3 received additional Timber stand improvement work to open the canopy via chainsaw and herbicide application. This work is located in the TSI area behind gate #5 in the southernmost portion of the block. This work provides additional forage opportunity as well as bedding cover. SAP member should exercise caution when navigating this area due to potential overhead dangers and widow makers.


Harrington (Moore Co)

Block 1 timber harvests are complete. Block 2 received a prescribed burn on the western half in late spring. All wildlife openings will be mowed prior to archery season, some will be lightly disked to promote clover, while others will be re-planted. All firebreaks will be maintained prior to archery season.


Petty (Moore Co)

This block is planned for a native warm season grass restoration near the parking area, and a prescribed burn in 2022.


Smith Branch Longleaf (Montgomery Co)

Approximately 3/4 of the property received a prescribed burn in spring of 2021.