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Join the Land Trust Team!

Please see current listings below:

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POSITION DESCRIPTION: The Stewardship Associate will primarily be responsible for the annual monitoring of conservation easements, working with landowners to prevent and remedy easement violations, and filing associated reports internally and with external partners. Additional responsibilities include assisting with management on 7,000+ acres of fee-owned lands and promoting the Habitat Enhancement Lands Program (HELP) with private landowners. This position will work on a wide range of conservation properties, providing meaningful change on the ground throughout our 15-county footprint.

First and foremost, we are looking for an authentic conservation-minded person who is passionate about the outdoors and local conservation. Secondly, we are looking for an exceptionally well-organized self-starter who has a natural ability to connect and communicate with landowners. Additionally, a successful person will have land management and prescribed fire experience.

The Stewardship Associate is a member of the TRLT Conservation Team. The person in this position will work closely with and report to the Conservation Lands Manager. To be successful in this role, you should be highly motivated, have a strong work ethic, and pay close attention to detail. Key responsibilities include conducting annual monitoring site visits required by accreditation, working with landowners to prevent and correct conservation easement violations, and assisting with the implementation of TRLT’s conservation lands management program. Additional traits that are beneficial include: technical skills in reading and understanding conservation easements, plant identification, vegetation/wildlife management experience, and prescribed burning experience. Familiarity with the operation of large equipment, like tractors, sprayers, and large trucks is a plus. A strong business background to foster the growth of our HELP program is also preferred. The Stewardship Associate also prepares reports and information for the Conservation Committee and provides regular updates to the Board of Directors. The Stewardship Associate is required to understand and comply with all federal and state laws, rules and regulations, all professional standards, and best management practices related to land management.

1. Conduct the annual monitoring site visits for 200+ conservation easements
2. Document the status of the conservation easements
3. File monitoring reports both internally and with external partners
4. Participate in the development and implementation of land management plans on TRLT fee-owned lands
5. Participate in the implementation of complex projects to restore habitat and ecological processes by preparing work plans, contracts, proposals, permits, budgets, and deliverables
6. Secure funding by writing successful grant proposals; specific experience with cost-share programs is beneficial
7. Maintain restoration and management records and data
8. Operate, maintain, and oversee the repair of TRLT-owned equipment with an emphasis on safety
9. Apply herbicides/pesticides safely and effectively, according to labels, laws, and best practices
10. Assist landowners with land management goals via technical service as a part of the HELP program
11. Install or maintain infrastructure including gates, fences, signs, trails, roads, buildings, etc.
12. Operate chainsaws for forest stand improvement, prescribed fire, and road and trail maintenance
13. Prepare wildlife food plots to provide additional forage and hunting opportunities for our Sportsman Access Program
14. Participate in prescribed burns on TRLT lands
15. Perform other duties that may be assigned

1. A bachelor’s degree in wildlife, forestry, natural resource management, biology, or an ecology-related field and three years’ experience in natural resource management
2. Experience using GIS and Avenza programs
3. Knowledge of practical land and wildlife management techniques
4. Working knowledge of herbicides/pesticides and their safe use
5. Proficient in Microsoft Office
6. Prescribed fire experience; Certified Prescribed Burn Manager Certification preferred
7. A safe driver with the proven ability to use a tractor, ATV/UTV, and haul equipment with a trailer
8. Experience with NRCS cost-sharing programs (EQIP and CSP) is a plus
9. Experience with timber harvests and forest management prescriptions; Registered Forester is also highly desired
10. Chainsaw certification and proven ability to safely use saws for land management

STARTING SALARY RANGE: $45,000-$55,000 annually

BENEFITS: Employer-paid full health insurance, limited dental, life, and short-term disability coverage, as well as an employee matched 401K program, paid holidays, and other paid time off (PTO).

TRLT is an equal opportunity employer and welcomes applications from all candidates. Additional information on the North Carolina TRLT can be found on our website at www.trlt.org

TO APPLY: Send your resume and cover letter to Katie Stovall, Conservation Lands Manager, via email at katie@trlt.org. This position is open until filled.

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